NewLang/Nouns/Noun Classes
Nouns are classified into a noun class, which dictates semantic information as well as agreement on determiners and verbs.
Types of Nouns
Nouns can be classified into two types by word shape. The first are infixed nouns, which are formed by taking a root and inserting an infix after the stressed syllable of the root. Each noun class has a 'thematic infix which is used in this process, and the infix places the noun in the corresponding category.
The other type is bare nouns. These do not have the thematic infix, but are placed into a particular class by semantic criteria. Sometimes these are unaffixed noun roots, and sometimes these are loanwords. In addition, some derivational affixes will place the word into a class. These words still require agreement like infixed nouns - the noun class just has to be memorized.
All noun classes have some of each type.
Noun Classes
Class 1 - People
Thematic infix: -an- Includes:
Class 2 - Intangible People
Thematic infix: -as- Includes:
Class 3 - Animates
Thematic infix: -et- Includes:
Class 4 - Intangible Animates
Thematic infix: -ezh- Includes:
Class 5 - Food
Thematic infix: -am- Includes:
Class 6 - Intangible Food
Thematic infix: -av- Includes:
Class 7 - Things
Thematic infix: -ox- Includes:
Class 8 - Intangible Things
Thematic infix: -olh- Includes:
Class 9 - Locations
Thematic infix: -im- Includes:
Class 10 - States of Being
Thematic infix: -iv- Includes:
Class 11 - Substances
Thematic infix: -ul- Includes:
Class 12 - Groups
Thematic infix: -ur- Includes:
Class 13 - Diminutives
Thematic infix: -it- Includes: